Monday, December 29, 2008

New Year, New Work

I have yet to do much posting on this site, but that will now change. The past few months—or year for that matter has been one of great transition and transformation for me. This past year has been a good one and I feel an immense amount of gratitude for all that I was able to accomplish and all the good that has come my way.
That being said, it was a less then stellar year in way of new painting. Little work has found it’s way to completion, and aside from an art fair I participated in, my work hasn’t seen the light of day. In the last few gasps of 2008 I was able to squeeze out a few new works which I’m really excited about. The pictures taken by the Phoenix of the Martian landscape was a main source of inspiration for the newest paintings. The whole idea that we can see snapshots from a whole other planet fascinates and inspires me.
Aside from continuing with the landscapes I have been working with the past few years, I am also looking forward to doing more figurative and portrait work with in the New Year. If anyone out there in the vast abyss known, as the Internet doesn’t mind posing for some pictures please let me know.
I have great hopes for 2009. My work is going to take a MUCH more dominate role and I look forward to future shows and meeting other artists. I hope to start some type of painters/artist meet-up group in the Portsmouth, NH region, I’m not totally sure how yet it’s just an idea so far, but it should be a lot of fun.
Hope this finds you well.
Happy New Year,

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


This will serve as an outlet for my paintings and visually work. Here I will post information on upcoming shows, new works and collaborations, as well as my views on art and the art making process.
If you ever have any comments, suggestions or questions feel free to post a comment or contact me.
